01303 265905 | hytheosteo@gmail.com
60 Earlsfield Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5PF
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Osteopathy is a distinct clinical discipline recognised by the British Medical Association. Osteopathy is based on the principal that all ailments - whether minor or serious - are as a result of imbalance somewhere in the network of our body's systems. It is a manual therapy designed to improve the function and physiology of our bodies.
Particularly proficient at diagnosing and dealing with backache, osteopaths also attend to conditions ranging from carpal tunnel and frozen shoulder, to Irritable Bowl Syndrome and sinusitis.
A variety of techniques are used to improve mobility, reduce swelling and restore function to all parts of the body.
Minor sports injuries can be treated to speed recovery and advice given to avoid further injury.
Cranial technique, an extremely gentle approach, can benefit all ages, from the most precious new born babies
through all stages of life.
All ages can benefit from osteopathy, from babies to self-employed tradesmen who can't afford to miss a day's work, to the active retired who want to make the most of their time. Osteopaths help millions of people every year and, just as we service our cars, a regular check up with the osteopath could help maintain a healthy body. Ailments of ageing can be significantly improved by the therapeutic approach of osteopathy.
In order to use the term 'Osteopath', which is protected by law, an individual has to be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). To become registered all osteopaths have to complete and pass a legally accredited degree course, as well as having a Criminal Records check and medical reference. A degree course, of usually four or five years, includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, nutrition and biomechanics, plus at least 1,000 hours of clinical training.